My perfect Flash Player stopped working: I can't send or receive e-cards, I can't watch short videos by YouTube on Facebook. I tried to download the new version of... show more My Adobe Flash Player 15 was working perfectly with the previous version of the Internet Explorer, until I downloaded the...
Apparently after a Microsoft update that was loaded automatically, my Adobe Flash Player is not working correctly. It had been working correctly shortly ... internet explorer - Flash Player not working in IE 11 Windows ... Microsoft uses a compatibility file to determine if Flash is turned on or off on a domain in Internet Explorer 11. All that needs to be done is to add domains to the list to add support for Flash. All that needs to be done is to add domains to the list to add support for Flash. How to Fix Adobe Flash Player Issues in Internet Explorer? When I visit some sites, which use Adobe Flash Player, they ask me to enable Adobe Flash Player, though it is downloaded and installed. I use IE 11. Can you help me solve this annoying problem? I use IE 11. Adobe Flash Player will not work on my Internet Explorer 11 ...
Adobe Flash не работает в Internet Explorer 11 2019 1. Откройте Internet Explorer 11 , а затем перейдите к любой веб-сайт с флэш-содержимым; например YouTube . Нажмите клавиши Windows Key + X или щелкните значок шестеренки в правом верхнем углу окна браузера. Нажмите Параметры просмотра совместимости , затем. Причины неработоспособности Flash Player в Internet … Факторы, приводящие к неработоспособности Adobe Flash Player в Internet Explorer разнообразны.Если в Internet Explorer не открывается отдельный флеш-ролик либо не запускается веб-приложение, построенное на рассматриваемой платформе, сделайте... Adobe Flash Player will not work on my Internet Explorer…
Je possède Internet Explorer 11 sous Windows 7 (64 bits). Je ne parvient pas à activer les contenus sous Flash Player. J'ai désinstallé IE11 et réinstaller mais aucun résultats.